Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How Gum Disease Works

How Gum Disease Works

I know what you are thinking - you are thinking, "Yuck! I don't want to know about gum disease!" That's exactly what I thought when I first heard the topic. What's amazing is that zillions of people are affected by this disease and may not even know it! It really is an interesting topic once you get into it, and you can save yourself a bunch of trouble if you know how gum disease works so you can avoid it.

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It also seems like the average American adult sees something like a hundred ads every day talking about gingivitis. Why is that? It's because periodontal disease, AKA gum disease or pyorrhea, is a bacterial infection affecting an estimated 56 million Americans, and is about as widespread as the common cold! Three out of four Americans will suffer from some form of gum disease in their lifetime. Given that it is so widespread, it's funny that you don't really hear about it as a kid - the whole focus with children is on cavities. Nonetheless, gum disease can become a real problem for adults!

Now, Dr. Jerry Gordon explains how gum disease works so that you can completely understand it and therefore avoid it. This article, like several other's in Dr. Gordon's series, will teach you a great deal about your mouth, and will also give you new inspiration to brush and floss!

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